Vaccines have been based on medical fraud for over a hundred years

Natural News‘ adds to their expose of the vaccine industry and paints a very black picture. This claim exceeds even my own level of distrust that has developed over the years, based on information published here, from various sources (linked under ‘Health Issues’) including ‘Natural News’.

Where a question is raised about the authenticity of instruments of public health, achieving a firm conclusion can be very difficult. One’s personal judgement can be so easily influenced by a desire or ingrained mindset to have faith in organizations of authority, alternatively by a learned or again ingrained opposition to authority.

These biasses can best be over-ridden by education. To rely on the education offered by the manufacturer and marketer would clearly be naive. Vested interests are, and are becoming exceptionally, virulent. The internet offers a marvellous source of information from people who have experienced adverse behaviour and people who are technically equipped and who investigate the reality of such departures from “the interests of the public” into which profit-makers tend to wander, fall, or even jump.

There is little doubt that the vaccine industry claims and actions are subject to their biasses. Readers, through posts such as this, have the opportunity of assessing how serious these industry departures from the public interest are, and how they themselves are personally affected.

Read on and make up your own minds.

(NaturalNews) The concept of vaccinating to immunize began in 1796, when British apothecary (pharmacist) Edward Jenner inserted cowpox pus under the skin of an eight year old boy. Jenner based his experiment on an unsubstantiated rumor that anyone who had experienced cowpox would be immune to smallpox.
Over the next couple of years, Jenner vaccinated others with cowpox to immunize them against smallpox. Without any actual proof of efficacy and safety, Jenner impressed King George III enough with a bogus immunization guarantee that he was awarded the equivalent of today’s $500,000.
Thus, Jenner was the first medical professional to administer diseased matter as medication to a healthy person and receive a substantial financial award. He was also the first to constantly denounce vaccination detractors successfully. He was protecting both his ego and large public purse.
Many health professionals throughout the 19th Century knew that there had been several cases of smallpox among those with cowpox histories. Jenner’s premise was flawed.
This was actually the beginning of a tradition that is carried on by today’s vaccinators. Come up with a bogus solution to prevent a disease, make a bundle of cash, and shut down reasonable arguments from those who know immunization by vaccination doesn’t work safely or effectively.
England’s incidents of smallpox after vaccination rose steadily from five percent in the beginning to 95% by 1895. There was even a serious epidemic around 1872, one year after smallpox vaccinations were decreed mandatory in the UK. The mortality rate among smallpox victims also shot up five fold around that time.
Despite intelligent protests with obvious facts and figures disproving efficacy, and proving harm from toxic materials and viruses contained in vaccines that endanger natural immunity, the inoculation for immunization premise has been maintained.
Protecting the industry against truth by attacking reasonable dissenters viciously has resulted in vaccine industry revenue of $17 billion annually today. This doesn’t include revenue from doctors’ visits for vaccinations and resulting ill health from them.
The vaccinators’ tactics of suppressing scientific data from concerned professionals has become more mafia like. Sincere medical professionals who register health concerns over vaccines are severely punished and slandered by the medical mafia owned mainstream media.

The truth about vaccines and disease outbreaks -all hidden from public view

A 2012 study led by Dr. David Witt, an infectious disease specialist at the San Rafael, California Kaiser Permanente Medical Center concluded that whooping cough occurs more among vaccinated children than children not vaccinated.
In 2010, a mumps outbreak occurred among 1000 children in upper New Jersey and lower New York. Almost 80% of them had been vaccinated with the MMR (measles, mumps & rubella) vaccine.
Throughout the 1980s, official agencies reported several outbreaks of measles occurring among children who had been vaccinated in various locations including an Illinois junior high and high school, a Massachusetts high school, a region in France, and a rural area near Helisinki, Finland.
Both USA schools had well over 90% vaccinated against measles. The vaccinators claim a 90% vaccination rate among any specific population guarantees herd immunity for that population. This bogus claim serves to create more revenue while blaming non-vaccinators for endangering humanity.
Meanwhile, despite the fact that only five percent of vaccine adverse events get reported to the “voluntary” FDA’s vaccine adverse event reporting system (VAERS), there are many serious adverse events recorded and many more that seep through the cracks to vaccine concerned internet sites.
Thank goodness for the few MDs and others who dare speak out despite the danger it potentially puts them in. It’s up to us to learn from them and just say no to vaccinations.
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Read the original article here.

About Ken McMurtrie

Retired Electronics Engineer, most recently installing and maintaining medical X-Ray equipment. A mature age "student" of Life and Nature, an advocate of Truth, Justice and Humanity, promoting awareness of the injustices in the world.
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