Media touts ‘Sudden Adult Death Syndrome’ as cover story for vaccine deaths

  Media touts ‘Sudden Adult Death Syndrome’ as cover story for vaccine deaths The murderous medical regime knows that covid vaccines are killing healthy young people at an alarming rate, so they’ve suddenly assigned a medical label for the phenomenon in order to distract people from the truth. Now, healthy young people who suddenly die without any medical explanation are said to have died from Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS) rather than from vaccines. The UK Daily Mail has published an article detailing this new so-called “syndrome” which is of course just a convenient label to mask the true underlying cause of these sudden deaths. The title of their article is, “Healthy young people are dying suddenly and unexpectedly from a mysterious syndrome – as doctors seek answers through a new national register,” and it says that everyone under the age of 40, “…may potentially be at risk of having Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS).” All people under the age of 40 are now supposed to “get their hearts checked,” while oblivious doctors claim to be searching for the “genetic cause” behind SADS. You can’t make this up. The medical negligence, incompetence and even maliciousness behind all this is mind-boggling. Get the full story and shocking details in today’s feature podcast here.  

This reveals the type of cover ups and extreme methods used by the pharmaceutical industry to hide truths from the public! Avoidance of autopsies, generally legally required, has a history way back to the “SIDS” days where almost certain vaccine related deaths were covered up to protect the medical industry.
The “prostitution” of the mass media journalism is a disgrace to humanity!

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Ukraine: Misunderstandings and misunderstandings

Thierry Meyssan
Tue, 07 Jun 2022 00:00 UTC

The war in Ukraine is only taking place because of the ignorance of the Westerners of what was happening in Ukraine and because of a series of misunderstandings and misinterpretations. The Westerners, focused on themselves, unable to think like their interlocutors, kept making mistakes. Finally, when the military operations end and the Russians have achieved their publicly stated objectives from day one, they can even persuade themselves that they have won. In the end, the only thing that matters to the West is not saving human lives, but having the conviction that they are on the right side of history.

The war in Ukraine is interpreted very differently depending on whether one is Western or Russian. Each person’s previous experience conditions their interpretation of words and events. In fact, no one reacts to the same things and seeks the same information as the others. In the end, the two camps no longer have the same perception of reality. This succession of misunderstandings and misconceptions leads to a misunderstanding that can unintentionally lead to major conflict.


The two sides, who fought side-by-side against Nazism, had completely different experiences during this period and therefore have different memories of it.

The Russian press does not distinguish between Banderists and Nazis. It is a question of awakening the memory of the “Great Patriotic War” (known in the West as “World War II”). When Germany attacked Russia in June 1941, the latter was not at all ready. The shock was disastrous. Stalin only managed to unite his people by allying himself with the Orthodox Church, which he had previously fought, and by freeing his political opponents who had been sentenced to the Gulag. To evoke this period today is to commit oneself to recognizing the place of each person as long as he defends the Nation.

The Russians perceive the contemporary Banderists/Nazis as existential dangers to their people. In doing so, they are right because Ukrainian nationalists consider that they are “born to eradicate Muscovites”.

Therefore, all Western attacks on the person of Vladimir Putin are out of place and ineffective. For Russian opponents, this is no longer the issue. Whether they like him or not, Putin is their leader, just as Stalin was from June 1941.

The Western press also equated the Banderists with the Nazis, but this was to put its importance more easily into perspective. In the memory of the people of Western Europe, Nazism threatened only minorities. First the mentally ill, the terminally ill and the old, then the Jews and the gypsies were separated from the pack and disappeared. On the contrary, the Slavs remember armies advancing, razing one-by-one all the villages they took. No one could survive. Not only is Nazism less frightening to Western Europeans, but the Anglo-Saxons are quietly suppressing symbols that might revive this memory. For example, British communications advisers changed the Azov regiment’s crest at the end of May. They replaced the wolf’s hook (Wolfsangel) associated with the SS Das Reich division with three trident swords evoking the Ukrainian National Republic (1917-20). In doing so, they removed a Nazi insignia and replaced it with an anti-Bolshevik insignia. In the Western European imagination, however, the Soviet Union is equated with Russia, ignoring the fact that the majority of Soviet leaders were not Russian.

British communication advisors assure that the Ukrainian Banderists/Nazis are comparable to the present-day Western Nazis: fringe groups of rabid people. They do not deny their existence, but suggest that they are not important. So they make disappear both the traces of their parliamentary and governmental activity since independence in 1991 and the images of the monuments to them that have since then been erected all over the country.

From 1991 to 2014, the world’s newspapers ignored the slow reformation of the Banderists in Ukraine. However, in February 2014, during the overthrow of elected president Viktor Yanukovych, all journalists covering the “Revolution of Dignity” were struck by the central role of far-right militias in the protests. The world’s media reported on these strange “nationalists” with swastikas. But the Western press abruptly stopped investigating a month later when Crimea, refusing to allow these extremists to take power, declared its independence. To continue to report on the drift of Ukraine would have been to give reason to the Russian Federation which had accepted its attachment. From then on and for 8 years, no Western media investigated, for example, the accusations of kidnapping and torture on a large scale that were spread throughout the country. Because they deliberately ignored the Banderists during this period, they are no longer able to assess their political and military role today.

This blindness continues with the evolution of Ukrainian power during the war. The Western press ignores everything about the dictatorship that was put in place: confiscation by the state of all media, arrest of opposition figures, confiscation of property of people who mention the historical crimes of the Banderists and the Nazis, etc. On the contrary, the Russian press does not miss anything of this sudden development and is mourning for having closed its eyes for years.

For our part, we have written – belatedly – the history of the Banderists; a subject to which no book has been devoted, a sign that Ukraine from this angle did not fascinate anyone. Our work, translated into a dozen languages, has finally touched many Western military officials and diplomats. They are now putting pressure on their governments to stop supporting these enemies of humanity.


There are two ways to assess the credibility of a leader: one looks at his good intentions or his record. Western Europeans, who have placed themselves under the protection of the United States, are convinced that they are no longer making history, but rather undergoing it. They therefore no longer need political leaders as they did in the last century. In fact, they only elect managers who present themselves as having good intentions. On the contrary, the Russians, after the collapse of their country during the Yeltsin years, wanted to restore their independence and finally cut with the US liberalism they had believed in for a decade. To do this, they elected and re-elected Vladimir Putin, whose effectiveness they are checking. Their country has opened up to foreigners while becoming self-sufficient in many areas, including food. They interpret NATO sanctions not as punishment, but, given that the Atlantic Alliance represents only 12 per cent of the world’s population, as a closure of the West to the rest of the world.

Regardless of political regimes, civilian leaders who seek to unite their people as widely as possible refrain from lying to maintain the confidence of their fellow citizens, while those who serve a minority to exploit the majority are obliged to lie in order not to be overthrown. On the other hand, military leaders, if they tend to take their dreams for realities, and therefore to lie, in times of peace, are obliged to stick as close as possible to realities in times of war in order to win.

Westerners are marked by a very strong trauma experienced during the attacks of September 11, 2001 and the appearance of the US Secretary of State, General Colin Powell, before the United Nations Security Council on February 5, 2003. They shook their heads during the New York attacks, seeing people jumping out of windows and then towers collapsing, before realizing that the explanations they were being given did not hold waterA mistrust was created between them and the leaders who pretended to believe in this nonsense [1]. Then they believed what a general told them because a military man could not lie about a very serious security threat. Finally, they became depressed when they realized that all this staging was only an excuse to overthrow a government that was resisting the US and to seize the oil and financial wealth of its country. General Powell’s speech [2] was written by civilian politicians, the Straussians of the Office of Strategic Influence (OSI), as he shamefully admitted later. This misplaced trust cost the lives of more than a million people [3]. Since 2003, Westerners no longer trust the word of their leaders; a phenomenon that is somewhat less pronounced in France, which was the only country to publicly contradict General Powell.

On the contrary, the Russians make a distinction between those of their leaders who speak the same language as the others and those who defend the collective interest. In the 2000s, they initially believed in the Western discourse and hoped that they too would experience freedom and prosperity. But they experienced a terrible collapse while watching a few thugs take over their collective wealth. They then turned to safe values: fellow citizens concerned with the general interest and trained by the KGB. They live today hoping to be delivered from what remains of this period of misguidance: oligarchs installed abroad and a certain globalist bourgeoisie in Moscow and St. Petersburg. They see the former as thieves and are happy that their assets, already lost to the country, are being seized by Westerners. As for the latter, they know that they do not exist only in their country, but everywhere in the globalized world. They see some of them leaving without regret. For the Russians, President Putin and his team have managed to solve the food problem and put them back to work. They have restored their army and are protecting them from the resurgence of Nazism. Of course, everything is not rosy, but it is much better since they are in charge.

Read the whole article and be educated!

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Coup d’Etat in Washington and “The Dollar Paper Tiger”, Fiery Dragon in Asia and the Pacific: André Gunder Frank

This essay consists of the following parts:

Coup d’ État in Washington

Paper Tiger – The United States and the World

Fiery Dragon: China in East Asia

Michel Chossudovsky, May 4,  2018, June 7, 2022

The Home of the Brave from 1984 to 2003

George Orwell would have to regard his dire predictions of Big Brother for 1984 as a benign Alice in a charming Wonderland version of Animal Farm. The latter is to be compared to the 2003 Bush and Ashcroft reality of double-think and new-speak in which, however, some are no longer equal than others, either at home or abroad, but still WAR IS PEACE – really – the President said so.

But the capacity of the United States to rule the world is more than questionable, especially after its 2003 debacle in Iraq.

Paper Tiger – The United States and the World

The US still has the world’s largest economy, which saw boom times during much of the 1990s, and it has unrivalled military power exceeding the total of the next dozen or more military powers combined. Moreover, the present Bush administration makes use of both of them in unilateral policies to impose its will on the rest of the world, friend and foe alike, to all of which Bush threw down the gauntlet of ‘’you are either with us or against us.”

With means you do as we say, and against means you are under threat to be destroyed economically and politically, as well as militarily if we wish.

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Global Research Enlightenment ( 6th June 2022)

Video: Pfizer’s “Secret” Report on the Covid Vaccine. Beyond Manslaughter. The Evidence is Overwhelming. The Vaccine Should Be Immediately Withdrawn Worldwide

Biggest Lie in World History: There Never Was A Pandemic. The Data Base is Flawed. The Covid Mandates including the Vaccine are Invalid

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The True Evil of the World Economic Forum

J.B. Shurk
American Thinker
2022-05-26 18:49:00 

Whenever I listen to Klaus Schwab and his Davos Death Cult buddies openly discuss their plans for world domination, I always think, “Are we really going to let another power-hungry German walk us into global conflagration?” For a while there, I believed that Western allies had endured enough death and slaughter from the first two world wars to forge an informal understanding among themselves that uncontrolled German megalomania invariably leads to malignant outcomes for all. Then came German reunification, and the nation’s inevitable economic dominance over all of Europe assured its status as the most powerful member of the European Union. All that effort to constrain the German empire’s influence went up in smoke. It turns out that it is far easier to conquer the European continent with flowery promises of “peace,” “economic integration,” and “international cooperation” than it is to send jackbooted shock troops marching past the Arc de Triomphe and down the Champs-Élysées.

Still, the Americans, Canadians, and Brits would never sit idly by while German powerbrokers remake the world in their image, right? Wrong! Just listen to Joe Biden, Justin Trudeau, and Boris Johnson all parroting that same Build Back Better Boobery in unison, as if they operated under the influence of some nefarious hive mind. At first, hearing world leaders squawk identical World Economic Forum talking points was disconcerting. Then it was nauseating. Now it just makes them sound like walking, talking robots all under the WEF’s control. Is it possible that Ol’ Klaus already lobotomized the West’s putative leadership and replaced their neural CPUs with state-of-the-art, German-made “Great Reset” implants? Curse you, German engineering!

That’s where we are today, as the world’s 1% of the 1% celebrate their own magnificence in Davos and plot mankind’s future without even the pretense of seeking mankind’s consultation, let alone permission. “The future is not just happening,” Schwab proclaimed to his SPECTRE-like cabal in Switzerland. “The future is built by us, by a powerful community such as you here in this room.” “Good German” Klaus and his merry band of global gentry have decided to take over the planet, and they’re so confident in their endeavors that they no longer deign to pretend otherwise. Yep, here are our New World Order master plans! Yes, we know we’ve called you guys “conspiracy theory nuts” for forty years, but you were right. In hindsight, wasn’t it obvious?

Information well worth considering as accurate!

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Australia’s strict Covid lockdowns did more harm than good

Australia’s strict Covid lockdowns did more harm than good

Sanjeev Sabhlok
The Spectator Australia
2022-05-17 19:36:00

Third World v. First World: what’s the difference? In a nutshell, the way they make public policy.

For the most part, policy in First World nations is not ideological, but process-oriented. It is required to pass two tests:

  • A test of liberty (the government must not interfere in our life without a strong justification).
  • A test of reason (the justification so provided must be evidence-based and transparent).

These tests are operationalised through the regime of a cost-benefit analysis (CBA).

Many people are suspicious about CBAs, which they think are created by ‘money-minded’ economists who put a ‘value’ on life – something people believe is an impossibility. And indeed, the life of our family members and our friends, cannot be valued on any known metric.

But when taxpayer money is involved, a calculation of trade-offs becomes inevitable.

Comment: Missing from the various analyses is the nearly complete breakdown of trust between the government and the governed. Australia may find it very hard going if it decides to sign on to the latest hysteria over “monkeypox”, to tighten the screws in its citizens again.

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Some Ukraine / Russia Backstory

An enlightening, fresh, comprehensive, truthful article.

Musings from the Chiefio

Ukraine & Russia have been pissing in each other’s beer for a couple of decades now. The Lame Stream Media keeps pushing the Propaganda Point (P.P.) that Russia did an “unprovoked” invasion. Yet there has been much provoking done. From bombing ethnic Russians in the Donbass, to preparing to put NATO (and NATO missiles…) in Ukraine, 5 fight minutes to Moscow… and more, stretching back to The West fomenting and funding a “color revolution” to depose a Russia Friendly leader and install one that was Western Pwned (and then set up the Biden Money Laundry, and who knows how many others feed at that trough..)

Basically, Ukraine is NOT the pristine and pure democracy of peaceful purity being advertized.

We already know about violating agreements to keep neutral, NATO not on the Russian border, respect the Donbass as a semi-autonomous Russian speaking district, and more. But what about that “Euromaidan…

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Einstein, Time, Relativity

Even Einstein made mistakes, from Physics Today in 2005 Einstein’s Mistakes by Steven Weinberg:

In thinking of Einstein’s mistakes, one immediately recalls what Einstein (in a conversation with George Gamow2) called the biggest blunder he had made in his life: the introduction of the cosmological constant. After Einstein had completed the formulation of his theory of space, time, and gravitation—the general theory of relativity—he turned in 1917 to a consideration of the spacetime structure of the whole universe. He then encountered a problem. Einstein was assuming that, when suitably averaged over many stars, the universe is uniform and essentially static, but the equations of general relativity did not seem to allow a time-independent solution for a universe with a uniform distribution of matter. So Einstein modified his equations, by including a new term involving a quantity that he called the cosmological constant. Then it was discovered that the universe is not static, but expanding. Einstein came to regret that he had needlessly mutilated his original theory. It may also have bothered him that he had missed predicting the expansion of the universe.

For those reading who are prone to eye rolling, I would never presume to compare anyone in climate science to Einstein, but there’s an important and germane science history lesson here worth noting that parallels what has happened with the Spencer and Braswell paper challenging climate models and climate sensitivity.

Consider Edwin Hubble’s discovery of an expanding universe based on observational evidence. Einstein created a mathematical model of the universe, and as Wikipedia reportsEarlier, in 1917, Albert Einstein had found that his newly developed theory of general relativity indicated that the universe must be either expanding or contracting. Unable to believe what his own equations were telling him, Einstein introduced a cosmological constant (a “fudge factor“) to the equations to avoid this “problem”.

Einstein didn’t launch a tirade in the press. Instead, Einstein was humble enough to consider that he’d made a mistake and modified his mathematical model to fit the new observation. He later came to regret the cosmological constant, but it demonstrates his ability to assimilate new observational evidence.

Like Spencer and Braswell, Einstein too got his share of public drubbing for his work. Hitler commissioned a group of 100 top scientists in Germany write a book called “Hundert Autoren gegen Einstein” (Hundred authors against Einstein).

Einstein was asked: `Doesn’t it bother you Dr Einstein that you’ve got so many scientists against you?’

And he said: `It doesn’t take 100 scientists to prove me wrong, it takes a single fact’. Source

‘Time Crystals’ Could Upend Physicists’ Theory of Time
Time might not exist, according to physicists and philosophers – but that’s okay”
To a human, time is experienced as variations in the environment. When conscious, there is an awareness of these variations, there being movements of self or others, a progression of weather changes, actions such as eating, dressing, driving, walking, viewing changes, sounds coming and going, the Sun appearing to skyward move around one’s location, seasonal changes, etc.
When  unconscious or sleeping, these relative changes appear as new observations compared to our memory of earlier consciousness.

If there were no environmental motion, everything stationary and static, we would have only our own local conceptions of changes, but how would we perceive the passing of “time”? We could view an hourglass emptying and call it 1 hg, manufacture a rotating mechanism, naming it a clock whereby 1 rotation could be called 1 R, and a counter to sum the “R”‘s, but what would all that mean?
Because of our biological characteristics, we would still be born, grow, mature, age and die. Introducing another parameter – generations, but there would be no yardsticks, not even the once meaningful “moons”,

Without motion there would be no ‘time’ conceivable to man, only birth, development, degradation and death.
No years, days, both derived from our spatial motions, and certainly be no human, theoretical, mathematically concocted classifications  – hours, minutes, seconds etc.!
Therefore, what we call  ‘time’ is a man-made mental construct, based on our observed and perceived relative motions.
Mentally position yourself on an otherwise unpopulated planet and survey the universe  –  you would see positional changes galore, be aware of relative positional changes, realize that they are obviously varying in location, but what else?
Take away the presence of an intelligent presence such as “man”, and “time” becomes meaningless!

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World Health Organization (WHO) – International Health Regulations (2005)

Tells a lot about how “independent” countries are now being “controlled”  by outside powers, in the name of emergencies (false), and supposed health and welfare, also questionable.


A great deal more to be said, perhaps later.


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Attorney at Law Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, Germany | Grand Jury | Day 1

Legal action against the UN and their ” New World Order “and “Great Reset” agendas !

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